The Senate’s 3 massive lies about fitness care


Senate Republican leaders want to get a series of lies usual as reality to achieve gutting fitness insurance for thousands and thousands of Americans. Journalists and other neutral arbiters must face up to the temptation to record those lies as only a point of view. A lie is a lie.

The Senate’s 3 massive lies about fitness care 1

Lie One: Democrats and progressives are unwilling to paintings with Republicans and conservatives on this issue. “If we went and were given the unmarried best health-care plan inside the records of the sector, we’d now not get one Democrat vote,” President Trump informed an Iowa crowd last Wednesday.

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In fact, Democrats, including President Barack Obama whilst he becomes in the workplace, have said repeatedly that they would really like to work with Republicans to enhance the Affordable Care Act. Senate Democratic leader Charles E. Schumer’s office put out a list of such offers, consisting of a June 15 letter from Schumer to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell calling for a cross-birthday party meeting to “find a way to make fitness care more low priced and on hand.”

But Democrats can by no means be complicit in a wholesale repeal of Obamacare that would take health insurance far from tens of millions of Americans.

This first lie is critical because it rationalizes the Republican claim that the bill must be draconian because it may bypass without help from the party’s maximum right-wing legislators. “This is not the greatly viable invoice,” said Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan.). “It is the excellent bill viable underneath very difficult circumstances.”

But those “situations” were created by way of the GOP itself. An absolute one-of-a-kind coalition is to be had. However, Republicans don’t want to spark off it because they’re hellbent on repealing Obamacare. Why?

This brings us to Lie Two: This invoice is, in most cases, approximately improving fitness care for American families. No, this attempt is more often than not about cutting taxes. When it comes to health care, the primary component the bill does is take money far away from supplying it to pay for the tax reductions it includes and for destiny bonanzas the Republicans have promised.

The tax cuts in this legislation alone might amount to a few $700 billion over a decade, in step with the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. About $33 billion of this will visit tax cuts conservatively averaging $7 million every yr to every one of the 400 maximum-profits families inside the United States of America. What could $33 billion purchase? The CBPP reviews it’d be enough to pay for the enlargement of Medicaid in Nevada, West Virginia, Arkansas, and Alaska. Talk approximately income redistribution.

A telltale: One of the principal Republican court cases about Obamacare has been that the deductibles and co-will pay beneath ACA policies are too excessive. But the Republican invoice best makes this hassle worse.

As the New York Times’s Margot Sanger-Katz wrote: “Many center-profits Americans could be expected to pay a larger share of their profits to buy medical health insurance that covers a smaller proportion of their care.”

If this invoice were in reality about fitness care, Republicans would take all the tax cuts out and use that cash to ease the pain their invoice could reason. But they gained, due to the fact the tax cuts are the factor that topics to them.

Lie Three: The Senate invoice is a “compromise.” Really? Between whom? The House wants to spoil Obamacare fast, the Senate a bit more slowly whilst additionally reducing Medicaid more steeply over time. This is simplest a “compromise” among very proper-wing guidelines.

Imagine you’re negotiating with creditors who say you owe them $1,000, and also, you insist you owe nothing. The first creditor desires the money quickly. The 2nd says you can take a piece a little longer, but you need to pay $1, two hundred — and he has the nerve to call this a “compromise.” Nowhere in this deal is your position taken under consideration. Welcome to the logic of the Senate fitness-care invoice.

I hope I by no means need to write approximately Lie Four, which could be Republican senators who actually recognize higher — along with Susan Collins, Dean Heller, Lisa Murkowski, Jeff Flake, Shelley Moore Capito, and Rob Portman — justifying their votes for this monstrosity with the aid of claiming that it’s the first-rate they might do.

Heller signaled doubts approximately the idea on Friday, that’s a step in the right path. But simplest by way of killing this bill could those Senators open the way for cheap fixes to the ACA. Do they actually need to mention in the future that one of their maximum essential votes in the Senate worried about taking health care far away from tens of millions of Americans? I would really like to consider they’re the too first-rate for that. I desire I’m not mendacity to myself.